Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday 12/07/09

Mondays are our scheduled day off. I have been going to the pool each Monday for the past few weeks to workout with Coach Mike. Today was no exception.

My alarm went off at 4:40 am and I arose. I was a little sleepy this am as I walked down the stairs to pour my coffee. I slipped out the front door and was greeted by the brisk December air.

Oh, look, we had some precipitation. It was cold out and the streets were wet. I did not notice the extra cover on my car as I got in and turned it on. It wasn't until I turned on the windshield wipers, that I noticed through my morning blurry closed eyes, that there was snow on my windshield!!
This is the Bay Area, we don't do snow!!!!
But yet last night, it snowed in the Bay Area. I know it is short lived, but for a few brief hours this morning, I could dream of a White Christmas again. Then I thought about the complete havoc that would be thrust upon the people of the Bay Area and I thought better of it.
OK, on to the workout.

I did my warm up before Mike arrived. He still wasn't there when I was finished with the warm up, so I started on my drills. I finished my drills and still, NO Mike!!!
I had spoken to Mike on Sunday and we discussed me doing the swim marker that I had missed last week, so swim marker it is.

An 800 yard marker (that's 32 laps) at a Level 5 rate. Nice and steady.

I felt pretty good through the swim. I started to tire and instead of stopping and resting, I switched to the breast stroke for one lap and the crawl for the return lap. That worked pretty well, as it kept me moving.
I finished in 22 minutes. I guess not bad. I am not sure if I made the 32 laps, may have been more, may have been less. I got confused with my counting. It is not as easy as it sounds!!!

Still no sign of Mike. I hope he is OK, as Californians can't drive in the rain, never the less the snow. I found out later that he lost his power due to the storm, another way to toss CA into a tailspin.

I was driving home and it started to snow slightly. I love that type of snow. It is sooooo peaceful.
I pulled Meenu outside when I got home to show her the snow falling. She didn't seem as thrilled as I was, but she's a CA girl.. But then she's My CA girl... I love my CA girl....


1 comment:

  1. Way to get the swim done! I cannot wait to be up early in the pool tomorrow morning. It's gonna be cold......
