Been too long since I have written. I will try to get better. Lots of information to write. First and foremost, I bought a new bike!!!

Isn't she pretty!!
Beats the hell out of the $100 bike I've been riding for the last 2 1/2 years.
I missed all the training two weeks ago. I was sick as a dog and could not manage to get it done. Unfortunately, it was a boot camp weekend and I missed a lot. My team mates did a swim, bike, run, swim, bike, run, swim bike, run, etc.etc. Sprint Triathlons back to back, as many as you could do in 5 hours. Ouch!!
Fortunately, it was Masters weekend and I could watch Phil Mickelson take it home! It was beautiful.
This week was a bike focus week. I took Monday off to give me another day of recovery. Not that I really needed it, but why take a chance.
Tuesday I was at the pool. See the proof. Belinda scared the crap out of me by being at the end of the pool when I was finishing up my warm up. I pop up at the end and BOOM, there she is with her camera in hand

Wednesday, I take a spin class in the AM. No excitement
Thursday, I am back at the pool for another 3600 yd swim. This swim just seems long today, but then again, it IS. That's almost 2 miles.
Friday AM, another spin class, and again, NO excitement.
Saturday AM, I drive down to Gilroy, the Garlic Capital of the world, for the Tierra Bella Century. My plan is to get in the 200K, (120 miles) because I missed last weekend. I have Lara (my new bike) with me. This is her inaugural ride. We roll later than we wanted to. We were shooting for 7:00 AM, but left about 7:30.
Lara gets on to the road and off she goes blazing down the road at a speed I have never felt before. I feel really good going out. She handles well going uphill and downhill. And there was plenty of those on this particular day. On the second climb of the day, Henry Coe State Park, there is a spot 3 miles from the top, that has a cattle guard across the road so you have to slow down to cross and then immediately after, there is a short 15% grade. OUCH!!!!

Things start to go downhill from here, both literally and figuratively. With my new bike, I also bought new shoes. I ordered extra wides (EE). Not wide enough. My toe box starts to cramp. That does not make me a happy camper!!
Also with my new bike came a new seat, not the cushy type that was on my old bike but a light weight (NO padding) racing seat (Double OUCH!!)
I end up not doing the 120 miles but settle for the 100 miles and 6400 feet of climbing. I have a sore butt and sore feet, but in the end, I am still smiling. I finish the day riding with Tony and Coach Dave, both people I would consider stronger riders than myself. I complete the 100 miles in 7 hours and 9 minutes of ride time. Lara is thrilled to be let loose. I am ecstatic with my new bike!!
Sunday is an active recovery ride. 60 miles with some hills. We roll at 9:00 AM. I have the same set up as yesterday, so I know I will have some pain. The first 1/4 mile is bad. My butt is screaming right from the get-go. I go sock-less, so my shoes are a little less tight.
But, but, but,... I still have pains in my Butt.
Most of the ride is rolling hills with one climb at mile 50. The ride goes well until I am coming down the back side of the one significant climb. Somewhere along there I lose my directions.
I get to the first T in the road and I have no idea which way to go. I sit there for about 10 minutes waiting for someone to come up. No one does. I decide to go one way. I follow the road until it intersects and then I decide to double back to the first T. I wait an additional 10 minutes to see if someone comes up behind me and finally, Meenu and Lisa drive up in the SAG vehicle. They lead me back to our starting point.
Not a good way to end my rise, but overall a pretty good day. My feet feel better than yesterday, but still not good. My butt just plain hurts..
I am looking forward to a day off from training tomorrow. Going to the bike store and buying shoes and a seat....
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